Date: 21 December 2020
The manufacturer of industrial glass melting plants employs experienced specialists with many years of experience in the fields of furnace construction, metal construction, electrical engineering, utility engineering, materials- and mechanical engineering. In several small rounds, HORN® recently honored loyal employees for their 10 years or 20 years of service to the company.
"HORN® has grown steadily and stably economically in recent years, in line with the increasing global demand for sustainable glass products. Even in the Corona crisis, we see this growth," said president Stephan Meindl. " You are significantly involved in it," he continued, thanking the employees for their trust and the experience they bring to the company. Those honored received an award as well as gifts as recognition of their loyalty to the company and their performance.
Honored (with certificate) for 10 years of service (from top to bottom right): Mario Müssig, Alexander Konz, Christian Schedl, president Stephan Meindl, Jürgen Hecht, Stefan Hirmer and Deputy HR Manager Sabine Götz. Not in the picture: Tobias Gradl, Mike Fabian, Jan Sieger
Honored (with certificate) for 20 years of service (from top to bottom right): Managing Director of HORN® Bau & Service GmbH Andreas Kopp, Jürgen Kraus, Markus Seitz, Alfred Grundler, Klaus Könitzer, president Stephan Meindl, Irene Fehr, Deputy Personnel Manager Sabine Götz and Matthias Kunz. Not in the picture: Markus Gmeiner, Sven Ditz, Bertram Riebl.

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