Date: 25 August 2021
The “fit for 55” package is a huge legislative initiative covering wide-ranging policy areas from renewables to energy efficiency, from effort sharing to emissions trading.
During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to go through the proposals of the European Commission and get a first analysis of the most important legislations under review. Policies such as the EU ETS and the Energy Efficiency Directive which will be reviewed to allow the EU to achieve the 55% GHG emissions reduction target set for 2030. But also new pieces of the European climate and energy puzzle such as the EU ETS for Buildings and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
The attendance and active involvement of participants was the confirmation that such an important legislative initiative deserved a dedicated workshop to better serve Glass for Europe’s membership. Glass for Europe keeps on offering the best forum to the European Flat Glass industry to discuss and evaluate the impact of EU legislations on the sector.

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