Date: 27 January 2023
The final schedule has been released for the 2023 Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) Annual Conference, to be held in Coronado, CA, February 13-16, including several hands-on experiences for those participating on site. Sessions will include an optional tour of a seismic shake test site, a hardware demonstration and the Annual Awards Banquet. Register now for the in-person experience or virtual access to the FGIA Annual Conference.
“We are pleased to share several interactive elements at this conference by featuring unique experiences for in-person participants,” said Florica Vlad, FGIA Meetings Manager. “I am especially looking forward to commending several of our members during the awards banquet, which falls on Valentine’s Day and is themed accordingly.”
Seismic Shake Test Site Tour
FGIA Annual Conference participants are invited to visit the site of a groundbreaking industry seismic test located on the north side of San Diego. The Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) TallWood project features a shake table testing of a full-scale resilient 10-story mass-timber building. Up to 50 FGIA conference participants will have the opportunity to tour the site and facilities for an up-close view of the NHERI TallWood project on Monday, February 13. The fee of $25 per person will cover transportation fees to and from the test site.
Those who attend will be able to view the lower floors of the building, where different nonstructural wall subassemblies are located. Several FGIA members donated products to make this seismic test possible. Follow its construction progress by viewing newsletters on the NHERI TallWood website.
Hands-On with Hardware
FGIA will be hosting a 90-minute hands-on workshop at the 2023 Annual Conference. The workshop will allow conference participants to view and perform various tests referenced in FGIA standards, such as AAMA 920, 925, 701/702, 901, 902, 906, and Technical Bulletin 03-12. At the end of the demonstration, each participant should have a better understanding of the FGIA standards critical to the performance of hardware. The tests will be performed at seven stations with 10 minutes allotted for each.
Annual Conference Awards Banquet
The popular Annual Awards Banquet has a theme this year of “Share the Love,” at which guests are asked to wear cocktail attire. Held on Valentine’s Day, the banquet will feature dinner, a wine and beer open bar and a cocktail cash bar. Throughout the event, leaders within FGIA will be recognized for their hard work in 2022, with awards including distinguished service in the architectural, residential and glass spheres, excellence in marketing and education and FGIA’s annual “Outstanding Member” award.
Member pricing is $975 to register for the in-person event. Non-members can register for $1,600. Individual FGIA member registration for virtual access is $350. FGIA member companies may register up to five virtual participants for $875, or an entire company for $1,750. Non-member companies can register up to five virtual participants for $1,150. Register for the 2023 FGIA Annual Conference now.
Learn more about sponsorship by contacting Florica Vlad.
For more information about FGIA and its events, visit FGIAonline.org/events.

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