Date: 1 July 2022
"Uniqueness" and "originality" are the cornerstones of the mandate. “It will be an excellent guide” commented Michele Gusti at the passing of the baton. To complete the Governing Bodies, the Directors in office for the two-year period 2022-2024 are also elected.
The General Assembly of the Italian Association of Suppliers of Machines and Accessories for Glass Processing - GIMAV, which was held yesterday Wednesday June 29 in the Milan office, elected engineer Dino Zandonella Necca as President of the Association for the four-year period 2022-2026.
Zandonella Necca, CEO and President of ADI Srl, member of the Board of Surfaces Group and former President VITRUM since 2015, succeeds Engineer Michele Gusti, in office since 2018, who addressed words of encouragement and confidence to his successor: "I send my best wishes to my friend and colleague Dino Zandonella Necca, who will be an excellent guide for the Association, as he has been in the past for our fair. VITRUM. I am sure it will be animated by the same will and enthusiasm that have always characterized GIMAV as a dynamic and innovative Association. Engineer Zandonella Necca has a great international experience, so I'm sure he will get the results we imagine and, in any case, we will always be there to support him, even in times of difficulty. I take this opportunity to also thank the Director Fabrizio Cattaneo, who, together with all the companies that have created and continue to be part of the associative life, has accepted with me to undertake the challenge of changing GIMAV, and I assure you that this is no small thing ”.
In his first speech as President of the Zandonella Necca Association he emphasized the importance of strengthening the industrial dynamics of the sector: “I am grateful to the Associates who have decided to give me the honor of driving GIMAV. I will try to be up to the task of continuing the modernization work that, together, we have undertaken thanks to the safe and enlightened guidance of my friend Michele Gusti. I believe that the Association plays a fundamental role in promoting and defending the interests of our sector and of the entire Italian glass supply chain, the only one in the world that can directly draw on the origins that have created and developed its unique history, tradition and culture. . History and culture still preserved today by the excellence of Italian museums, reinterpreted and declined by the contemporary artistic sensitivity of the glass masters, updated and kept up to date by the industrial and design glass supply chain, and projected into the future by the most advanced technologies for the glass processing, of which we are all among the main protagonists. And it is precisely on these "uniqueness" and "originality" that we must all aim to enhance Italian glass at an international level; what we propose to do also through “The Italian Glass Weeks”, the event that will take place immediately after the summer, on September 10th ”.
The new President also wanted to specify immediately the working method he intends to adopt: "You cannot walk alone on a complex road, which is why I asked to work alongside people who I believe are extremely competent and valuable, who, I am sure, will make an active contribution to the Association.", Referring to the new Presidential Committee composed, in addition to the Past President Michele Gusti, of the team elected with him: Nicola Lattuada, by Adelio Lattuada Srl, Deputy Vice President with responsibility for Innovation and Technological Development, Nancy Mammaro, of Mappi International Srl, Vice President with responsibility for Flat Glass Technologies, Internationalization and Development of Strategic Partnerships on Foreign Markets; Barbara Mazza, of Cugher Glass Srl, Vice President with responsibility for Marketing and Associative Development; Raphaël Prati, of Biesse SpA, Deputy Chairman with responsibility for Accessories and Other Technologies, Intersectoral Dynamics and the Digital and Sustainable Transition; Annamaria Tresso, of BDF Industries SpA, Vice President with responsibility for Technologies for Hollow Glass, Attraction of Talents and New Generations and Corporate Social Responsibility and Riccardo Vianello, of Forel SpA, Vice President with responsibility for the Strategies for the Development and Dimensional Growth of the Sector.
The formation of the General Council was also completed during the Assembly, with the election of the new Councilors who, for the two-year period 2022-2024, join the President, the Past President and the Vice-Presidents at the helm of the Association.
Dino Zandonella Necca concluded with an invitation to companies GIMAV to be an active part of the associative life: "I am particularly grateful to those who have offered their availability to the Association, however, the commitment must not be limited only to the Directors but must be for everyone: over the years GIMAV he has given us so much, so it is a duty that we all have to give back something of what we have received. A united and organized “Italy of glass” is the best business card that the Sector can show to the world".

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