Date: 3 February 2006
Corning did not disclose the amount of funding on the project, nor did it reveal the final location for the plant, slated to be the first thin-film-transistor (TFT) LCD plant in China.
Corning (Corning, N.Y.), the industrys largest LCD glass supplier, continues to expand its glass production in anticipation of a three-fold increase in glass use by 2007 as the flat-panel TV market grows.
The company has glass forming and finishing facilities in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, and the U.S..
Nitin S. Kulkarni, president of Corning Display Technologies in China, said in a statement, "Corning is fully committed to the LCD industry in China and to growing with our customers in this important region of the world market. The Chinese Government has included the TFT-LCD industry in its 11th 5-year plan and it has continued to grow steadily."

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