Date: 27 March 2019
Available in standard 2.5m and 5m lengths in top and side-mounted options, VetroMount accommodates glass thickness of up to 21.5mm.
The modular system features a highly innovative click-and-fix stainless steel finishing option, which is supplied as an add-on to the standard anodised finish, giving installers the flexibility to upsell, without tying-up capital in additional stock holding.
Chloe Baines, Hardware Manager, Bohle said: “VetroMount unlike other systems, has been developed by Bohle specifically for the residential balustrading market so it’s easy-to-fit. It’s also modular, so you don’t need to hold lots of different profiles in stock. You can upsell from a standard anodised finish to a higher-end stainless-steel option - something which we believe will deliver significant opportunities to anyone supplying it.”
Suitable for installation from one side and without the need for scaffolding, the system is counterbored, which means its suitable for use with standard, rather than more expensive counter-fix fixings. The design of the system means that drill holes can also be set further apart at distances of up to 400mm (top-mounted). The easy-adjust system can also be aligned to plus or minus 20mm in either direction by hand - and without the use of specialist tooling. The glass is then locked in place using an intuitive and patented push and pull mechanism.
“This is a real plus for VetroMount”, continued Chloe. “Easy adjustment of glass-tilt without the use of specialist tools, saves time scrabbling around in the back of the van in addition to purchase cost.”
In addition to VetroMount Bohle will also be showcasing its new MasterTrack internal sliding door system. Fitted in as little as 10-minutes and requiring no glass processing to install, it’s able to accommodate glass thickness from 8mm to 12.76mm and maximum sash weights of up to 150kg utilizing a single wall mounted or ceiling hung track.
“We are seeing glass specified more and more in the residential market. VetroMount and MasterTrack give you access to those opportunities, while minimising installation time and with it costs, maximising margins”, Chloe concluded.
For more about Bohle’s product and service offer visit stand B4, The Fit Show, NEC 21-21 May, visit www.bohle.com, email info@bohle.ltd.uk or call the customer services team free on 0800 616151 for more information.

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