Date: 24 September 2021
Driver, who spoke previously at an Association event in 2017, will share her expertise with both in-person and virtual audiences at the conference.
“Janine brought down the house last time as our keynote speaker with her wit and expertise in her subject matter,” said Florica Vlad, FGIA Meetings Manager. “Back by popular demand, she will teach how to navigate and interpret body language in creative, but insightful, ways.”
On Tuesday, Driver will give her keynote address for both the in-person and virtual audiences with a presentation entitled, “You Can’t Lie to Me: Five-Second Fixes.” The following afternoon, she will lead an interactive, one-hour workshop exclusively for in-person participants titled, “How to Decode Micro Expressions and Simplify Your Online Meetings to Win Every Time.”
In addition to her across-the-board session and in-person only interactive workshop, Driver will award four scholarships during her sessions, valued at $3,000 each. These scholarship funds can be put toward the cost of Driver’s live, eight-week online certification program, “Seven Levels of Reading and Influencing Human Behavior.”
Registration is now open for both the in-person and virtual options. Early bird registration ends September 24.
For more information about FGIA and its activities, visit FGIAonline.org.
About the Speaker
Janine Driver is a New York Times best-selling author and body language contributor to NBC’s Today Show. She is the founder and president of the Body Language Institute, traveling and speaking to the corporate world. As a federal law enforcement officer within the Department of Justice, she has trained the FBI, CIA and Scotland Yard Police. Today, she shares her people-reading skills in an engaging and memorable way. During the COVID 19 pandemic, Driver has educated millions through Zoom workshops, meetings and events on how to build rapport, read body language, increase sales and look at the world differently.

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