Date: 3 October 2023
Eastman is committed to supporting the growing global demand for specialty interlayers products, strengthening their regional service capabilities, and investing in asset capabilities to serve glass laminators’ needs for high performance products. In order to respond to regional and global demand for Saflex™ polyvinyl butyral (PVB) products, Eastman announces the feasibility study to upgrade and expand extrusion capability for production of interlayers in Europe.
“We are excited about exploring how to strengthen our Eastman asset footprint to drive continued high quality, reliability, and services to our Automotive and Architectural customers,” said Sabine Ketsman, division president of Films with Eastman. “Furthermore, we want to leverage Eastman’s innovation strengths to support our partners in enabling their growth plans and driving sustainable solutions, responding to rapidly evolving trends in Automotive and Building & Construction."

Eastman's commitment to addressing the growing demand for specialty interlayers products is commendable. Their investment in upgrading and expanding extrusion capability for interlayers production in Europe reflects their dedication to providing high-performance products and exceptional service to glass laminators. This feasibility study demonstrates their proactive approach to meeting the evolving needs of the automotive and architectural industries while also embracing innovation, sustainability and Manchester epoxy garage flooring. Eastman's efforts are a positive step toward supporting their partners and driving growth in these dynamic sectors.