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| The two common defects—White Haze and Anisotropy—are often misunderstood but are not the same.
| Implementing quality controls and checkpoints during production and inspecting 100% of the tempering process, guarantees less rejections in the field converting into more profit.
| The new complete metrology scanner after furnace exit and its capabilities for furnace optimization and quality control.
| In his blogs, Luc Moeyersons covered various subjects related to laminated glass, whether it is automotive, architectural, or photovoltaic.
| Automotive Glass Laminating Guide – Part 5
| This study aims to develop a non-contact stage-wise scanning method to extract 3D damage characteristics on glass surface, which can further facilitate the investigation into the associated influences on the flexural strength of glass.
| In the present paper, optical anisotropy effects in architectural glass are evaluated using digital image processing.
| Modern architecture continues to produce ever more attractive and higher quality façade constructions.
| A couple of years ago all started with the first measurement of anisotropies and edge stress as well as the detection of White Haze and other glass imperfections right after the furnace.