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| Modern tempering technologies offer impressive energy efficiencies for glass processors. But, have you ever come across energy-saving claims that seem too good to be true?
| This paper aims to quantify the savings achieved through the ERM of secondary layer addition to existing glazed facades, for a high WWR office building in cooling and heating dominated climate locations.
| The main benefits from dynamic glass relate to visual light comfort, light control and spectral modulation, privacy modulation and the most critical nowadays energy savings.
| The authors present results achieved in a roll-to-roll deposition process of vanadium oxide on flexible glass of 0.1 mm thickness.
| The main objective of this paper was to assess the performance of a new WFG-unitized facade as a high-performance envelope with dynamic thermal properties.
| In this article, Mika gives our readers some expert advice on improving energy efficiency in safety glass manufacturing.
| In the latest Glastory blog post, Antti Aronen introduces how the complexity of automotive windshields and sunroofs has significantly increased with evolving modern car designs.
| How aerogels boost energy efficiency and may enable advanced technical solutions for insulating glass units, skylights, daylighting and facade glazing.
| Photovoltaic (PV) windows can enable net-zero highly glazed buildings
| New translucent, structural and modular façade component.
| Unlocking the potential of energy-saving solutions in the glass industry: a guide for Italian companies
| Water-filled building envelopes are hybrid constructions with a solid and a fluid component, typically a glass or steel shell filled with water.
| This study identifies the existing supply-chain inefficiencies in the UK glass industry in three stages.
| Gain multiple benefits with upgrades to the glass laminating furnace
| Read the latest Glastory blog by Taneli Ylinen.
| Abatement of the high building energy is possible by employing semitransparent photovoltaic window which has triple point advantages as they control the admitted solar gain and daylight and generates benign electricity.
| A new BIM tool processing IEQ data input for building management and energetic optimizations
| The use of new generation thin, lightweight and damage-resistant glass, originally conceived for electronic displays, is moving its first steps in the built environment, in particular for adaptive and movable skins and façades.
| The paper illustrates the design project of the main laminated glass balustrade of a steel staircase installed in the historical Margherita Theatre in Livorno, Italy.
| In glass tempering, we look for equipment that uses less energy, leading to fewer emissions. But sometimes, the numbers are too good to be true.
| Making new and existing buildings as energy efficient as possible is one way to help meet the EU’s CO2 reduction goals.
| The significance of balancing operational and embodied carbon continues to grow.
| Global environmental concern is motivating efforts to improve energy efficiency in all industrial sectors. And glass tempering is no exception.
| Glass production is an energy-intensive process by its nature, so even small reductions there can result in considerable savings in energy and costs.
| Re-thinking the life-cycle of architectural glass brings together recent research into the economic, technical, environmental and logistical viability of closed-loop construction glass recycling.