Date: 11 March 2015
In fact, last year there was even a waiting list for the number of places available. So, as before – first come, first served.
Those attending come from many different parts of the glass industry sector, providing opportunities to meet old and new acquaintances, catch up on the latest news and generally mingle and network in relaxing circumstances.
Date: 4th May 2015. Registration and greeting, 11.30.
Place: Teleborgs castle (Växjö’s own fairy-tale castle, just a few minutes’ walk from Glafo)
The programme in brief
The day starts with registration and lunch at Teleborg Castle. Glafos’ entire staff will be present to meet you. During the afternoon, the day continues with presentations of exciting developments in glass, before enjoying the break of tempo and opportunity for a breath of fresh air presented by a short walk to Glafo for a quiz and a guided visit. The day concludes with a dinner in the evening and an awards presentation at the Castle.
In connection with the Theme Day, you can also arrange individual meetings with Glafo’s scientists on the Monday or on Tuesday morning. During Tuesday morning, there will also be a visit to Smart Housing Småland’s Home Prototype no. 1.0 for those interested.
Please read the full programme here.
Please register here.
Welcome to an enjoyable day. We look forward to meeting you, says Marianne Grauers MD Glafo and staff.

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