Date: 30 July 2014
Protection of domestic glass market from unfair foreign competition is an essential component of the development strategy of the glass market.Reports ES members said that the need to protect its market dictated by the available system or supsidiruemogo cases dumped imports.It was noted that the Russian government does not understand the need to protect the interests of the Russian industry.
After Russia's accession to the WTO, this situation was not brokenfooted.
Resolved: to analyze the ES wound in order to protect domestic producers and glass products from unfair competition, under the rules of international law.
Explore the possibility to prepare the course to provide assistance glass companies in the legal aspect, for training on the use of countervailing duties. StekloSouz Russia constantly interact with relevant ministries on the basis of the research for the glass market in 2013 and the 1st half of 2014.
Materials must be transmitted to the executive authorities to protect their rights. The state is obliged to turn to realize the degree of responsibility to the domestic business.
Press - center StekloSouz
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