Post Release of the International Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI"

Post Release of the International Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI"
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Date: 5 December 2017

From 23 to 24 November 2017. in the city of Goose-Crystal was held the annual international Forum "Glass and modern technologies - XXI", which concluded its work by making a decision for 2018.

 Since the beginning of the 21st century, experts from countries producing glass, products, raw materials, refractories, machinery, equipment, research organizations, universities and related industries have come together to discuss customer requirements, report on technological achievements and make a collegial decision to achieve the glass industry tasks.

Post Release of the International Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI"The Forum is organized by the StekloSouz Association of Russia. In 2017, the Presidium decided to organize and conduct a Branch Event in the Vladimir region in the "heart" of Russian glass making, the city of Gus-Khrustalny.

This event was supported by the leadership of the region, the city and the Gus-Khrustalny district. The international meeting was held in the building of the Institute of Glass, ul. International, 114.

In a solemn atmosphere on November 23 this year. the International Forum was opened. More than 220 delegates from 15 countries arrived to the Congress: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kirghizia, USA, Turkey, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Switzerland.

The congress of glassmakers was opened by the president of the StekloSouz Association of Russia Osipov Viktor Ivanovich.

The greetings addressed to the delegates of the world glass industry were made by the heads of the profile committees of the Vladimir region administration, the head of the Gus-Khrustalny Sokolov Alexey Nikolaevich and the head of the administration of the Gus-Khrustalny district Kabankin Aleksey Viktorovich.

In their greetings, they wished the leaders fruitful work on the Vladimir land. From the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, the participants of the International Forum were welcomed by Deputy Minister Alexander Nikolayevich Sidorov and Head of the Main Department of the Industry of Building Materials and Structures Norik Leonid Vladimirovich.

The applause was awarded to: "Honored Worker of the Glass Industry" Director General of IC "Saratovteplomontazh" Ibrahimov Rustam Minichairovich, the award "Leader of the glass industry - 2017" was presented to Alexey A. Ovchinnikov, General Director of the Group of Companies "Phototech".

In 2017, 25 new enterprises were admitted to the Industry Association of the StekloSouz of Russia: LLC FOTOTECH Company, INPRUS LLC, NPF Quartz Glass, Isoster LLC, Atlas Copco JSC, Buhler Alzenau GmbH, JSC "CENTRMEDSTEKLO", JSC "Energy Company AtomSbyt", LLC "Soyuzintelekt", LLC "OSS-Kant", OOO "Glasser", Binder + Co, LLC "Orion", LLC "Alexinsky glass", JSC "Waste Management", Stewart Engineers, Inc., OJSC Kyshtymsky Mining and Processing Plant, OJSC "Kavdolomit", "KARAT" IP Ryanov A.Yu., OOO "Technoquartz", LLC "Red Echo" LLC "Stromizmeritel", LLC "Glass Decor", LLC "Northern Glass Container Company", LLC Knauf Insulation. Confirming documents - Certificates handed over to the leaders of Osipov VI.

Honorary diplomas for the results of 2017 were awarded to the collectives of Glasstreyddizayn LLC, Mukaivnya GOK, Saratovteplomontazh SK, Borovichsky Refractory Plant JSC, ChSZ-Lipetsk LLC, FOTOTECH LLC, Gusevsky Glass OJSC plant them. F.E. Dzerzhinsky LLC, Red Echo LLC, Symbol Factory LLC, LAHTI PRECISION, Steklotech LLC, OSS-Kant LLC, Glass Russia magazine; Teachers of the State Educational Establishment of Higher School of Economics "Gusev Glass College" Kapustina E.Yu., Ledneva ZG, Suslova V.V.

The special marks of the StekloSouz of Russia were awarded to the heads of ten enterprises from various production segments for their success in the development of glass production.

After two days of intense discussion on November 24, delegates agreed and approved the Industry Program for the glass industry in 2018. The StekloSouz of Russia - Sectoral Association was approved as the executive body for the implementation of the Action Plan.

Following the vote, the document was adopted unanimously. Particular attention is paid to the problems of personnel training, a formula has been worked out which, according to Forum participants, will effectively contribute to solving this problem in the coming years.

The action plan provides for the direct participation of the production complex in educational programs, in the creation of training clusters, etc. The document, after finalization, will be sent not only to enterprises, but also to state authorities and educational institutions for coordination and decision. The big blocks in the Program are devoted to the issues of ecology and new technologies.

Within the framework of the Congress there was a gala dinner dedicated to the Day of the Glass Industry Worker. In their free time, sports games were organized, at which the heads of enterprises showed their abilities in various sports, from volleyball, to chess and drafts.

The program of the Forum included a visit to the existing glassworks, a new glass-making plant. Those who are interested in organized visits to the museums of the city's glass and holding.

The forum has completed its work in order to again collectively consider personnel, technological, environmental challenges in 2018.

To listen to the report on the implementation of the approved Program. Verify whether the approved forecasts are in line and what needs to be finalized in 2019. And by tradition, prepare a new program for 2019.

Press-center of StekloSouz. 

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