Date: 8 May 2013
Traditionally our sales come from References: our machines speak by themselves with their surprising durability and efficiency.Experienced glass people come to us when trouble with their present vacuum or compressed air setup needs a radical improvement. We will analyze the situation and design the most appropriate pneumatic system, a longterm solution for trouble-free operation over the next few decades.
Glasspex India in Mumbai was back in March, in May you find us at Glassman Europe in Warsaw as well as at China Glass in Beijing. In October we plan our partecipation to the Conference on Glass Problems in US and Vitrum in Milano, Italy. After the AFGM 2013 edition, the last, major happening will be GlassTec Asia in Kuala Lumpur towards the end of November. Details regarding our Booth and how to meet us there can be found in the Fairs Section.

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