Date: 21 December 2017
The National Glass Association (NGA), Vienna, VA, and the Glass Association of North America (GANA), Topeka, KS, Boards of Directors have each appointed three representatives to serve on an Integration Task Force to oversee and advise the Board on transition and integration matters.
The Representatives are:
Michael Albert, S. Albert Glass Co. | Ren Bartoe, Vesuvius USA |
Angelo Rivera, Faour Glass Technologies | Julia Schimmelpenningh, Eastman Chemical Co. |
Nicole Harris, NGA President & CEO | Stanley Yee, Dow Corning |
The Integration Task Force was designated for this duty in the Agreement drafted by the Joint Task Force and resumes discussions following the conclusion of the combination transaction details and new Bylaws approved by both Boards of Directors.
This newly formed Task Force will articulate the technical document development plan, voting and approval for technical publications, and the process to advocate for a formal position before a third-party code group.
Please click here for previous releases covering news of the combination and here for updated FAQs.

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