Date: 1 October 2004
MERKAD is exporting 70 % of its production to three continents : America, Europe and Asia.
Merkad manufactures Glass Moulds associated with Manual Press, Automatic Press, Press & Blow, Blow & Blow, Stemware and Spinning production.
Merkad's manufacturing facilities offer state-of-the-art" Four-Axis CNC Milling, CNC High-Speed Machining Centers, CNC Lathe and Electro Erosion Machines.
Merkad's process expertise starts with highly trained personnel utilizing a CAD/CAM system that interacts over the worldwide web with individual customers.
Specialized processes include stellite and colmonoy welding, ceramic coatings, EDM and hard chromium coatings.
Manufacture of many different types of glass Moulds for diffferent types of automatic glass production processes :
Moulds for Press process : Mould, Blank Holder and Insert, Plunger, Plunger Rings, Bottom plates
Moulds for Press & Blow process : Blank Moulds, Blow Moulds (Without Engraving). Hot Moulds (With Engravings), Neck-Rings - 4 Parts, Plungers, Plunger Rings, Vacuum Heads, Bottom Plates.
Moulds for Stemware Lines : Stem Moulds (two or three parts), Plunger rings, Plungers, Bottom Plates, Sucker, Blow Head, Working Table Rings - 3 Parts/Working Tables.
Moulds for other types of Glass Production processes : Glass Machine parts:
Moulds for Streching glass production Machines, Moulds for Spinning glass production Machines, Moulds for Borosilicate glass production process, Moulds for Glass Block production process (Glass Bricks)
Glass machine parts
"Neck Ring Holders" for Press & Blow Machines
Mould Holders" for Press Machines
"Mould Holders" for Press & Blow Machines
Merkad Ltd. Has innovated its machine lines with CNC High-speed machining centers. Merkad keeps investing in high-technology CNC machining centers and the latest mould manufacturing equipement. These machine and advanced manufacturing technology investments will allow Merkad Ltd. To serve its clients with lower production costs, prompt delivery and very high quality.

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