Mears Award Hazlemere Commercial Octavia Housing West London Phase Two Refurbishment Contract

Mears Award Hazlemere Commercial Octavia Housing West London Phase Two Refurbishment Contract
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Date: 5 October 2017

Mears Group PLC, the leading social housing repairs and maintenance provider in the UK and a major presence in the home care and support market, have awarded Hazlemere Commercial Phase Two of a West London Octavia Housing refurbishment contract worth approaching £3/4m.

Mears website states that their “business is founded in local communities where we deliver the highest standards of care to people, their homes and their environment”, so consequently Hazlemere Commercial are very proud to have been the LHC A6 Framework approved contractor selected.

The refurbishment involves removing of old non-thermally broken windows and replacement with energy efficient, thermally broken double glazed aluminium vertical sliding sash windows and energy rated UPVC vertical sliding sash windows and some UPVC casement windows.

600450 Mears Award Hazlemere Commercial Octavia Housing West London Phase Two Refurbishment Contract

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