Date: 17 November 2006
At the request of Luoyang Glass Company Limited (the "Company"), trading in its H shares has been suspended with effect from 10:02 a.m. today(31/10/2006) pending release of price sensitive information in relation to the recoverability of the Company's receivable from China Luoyang Float Glass(Group) Company Limited (the controlling shareholder of the Company), its subsidiaries and associated companies.
At the request of Luoyang Glass Company Limited (the "Company"), trading in its H shares has been suspended with effect from 10:02 a.m. today(31/10/2006) pending release of price sensitive information in relation to the recoverability of the Company's receivable from China Luoyang Float Glass(Group) Company Limited (the controlling shareholder of the Company), its subsidiaries and associated companies.
LUOYANG GLASS - Suspension of Trading 
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