Date: 13 October 2016
Also this year, during four really intense exhibition days we have registered a high interest level from the a large number of visitors from all over the world.
We are particularly satisfied by the appreciated visit of several major groups from Canada and US, which confirms that the United States are a key market able to reward the Italian high quality products.
This edition has also represented a confirmation of the good progress of the North-European markets (Germany, Austria and Benelux), where our presence is now getting even stronger, also thanks to the excellent work of our sales network.
A special interest has been arisen from the performances we have carried out with our 13-spindle edger with variable angle, with which we have processed glasses with great thicknesses and weights.
Our edging machine was able to handle weights up to 1.500 Kg, process thicknesses up to 100 mm and with sizes up to 12 mt x 3,21 mt.
Important was also the attention dedicated to the new video we have presented at Glasstec and dedicated to one of our complete double-edgers line: the Lattuada alternative within the double-edgers world! Click HERE to enjoy the video.
A sincere thanks to every person who visited us during the four exhibition days and to all our staff for the great engagement and professionalism shown: thanks for having contributed in making this Glasstec edition one of the best ever.

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