Date: 27 November 2015
The ceremony took place at the Lancaster London Hotel on the 24th of November 2015.
The prize recognizes the international successes of Heliatek as a clean energy producing, film supplier. “We are delighted to receive this Elektra award. It supports our vision of a decentralized and decarbonized energy supply. It also encourages us to continue to enhance our HeliaFilm® technology as a clean and green source of energy,” commented Thibaud Le Séguillon, CEO of Heliatek GmbH. The organizers commented that Heliatek’s technology has achieved a record of 12% efficiency for organic photovoltaics and is now being commercialized for large area applications. The judges applaud Heliatek for partnering with industrial glass and building materials companies to speed the adoption of its technology in sustainable, net-zero energy buildings, which included glass installations in the Belgium pavilion at Expo Milano 2015.
The flexible, organic solar film, HeliaFilm®, is currently deployed in pilot installations in Japan, Germany, Italy, China, the US and Singapore. Together with its strategic partners, Heliatek is working on the integration of HeliaFilm® into different building materials such as glass, concrete, steel, aluminum and membranes. These products target Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics (BIPV) such as building façades, as well as the automotive industry.
The Elektra European Electronics Industry Awards are the largest technology and business awards in the European electronics industry. In their 13th year, the awards are given to individuals and businesses in order to appreciate their achievements in areas such as sales growth, innovation or employee motivation. In total, 23 awards were given during the Elektra European Electronics Industry Awards.
About Heliatek:
Heliatek was spun off in 2006 from the Technical University of Dresden and the University of Ulm. The company is a leader in the field of Organic Electronics Energy holding the world record efficiency of 12%. Through both its leading edge material development and its proven capability for volume manufacturing Heliatek is the first company to begin commercialization of large area OPV solar film. Its business model is to supply the custom-designed HeliaFilm® to partners in industries such as building and construction materials, automotive and light architectural structures. Heliatek maintains a total staff of some 85 specialists at its facilities in Dresden and Ulm, Germany. Investors in Heliatek include leading industrial and financial companies such as BASF, Innogy Venture Capital, Wellington Partners, eCapital and Aqton SE. Research and development work, as well as the installation of production technology has been funded by the Free State of Saxony, the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.
For further information on Heliatek please contact: Kathleen Walter / Heliatek GmbH / Treidlerstr. 3, 01139 Dresden Tel: +49 351 213 034 421;;
HeliaFilm is a registered trademark

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