Date: 29 August 2016
“The Pub” has established itself as the number one networking opportunity for the busy professionals gathering at Glasstec, all eager to make the most of the contact opportunities with the world´s leading specialists in the glass business.
- Staging individual meetings with the large number of key people visiting Glasstec is not always possible nor practical. Yet the opportunity to touch base and share views with opportunities for follow-up is a most valuable asset, says Jorma Vitkala, founder of the Club Concept as well as the GPD Conference that takes place every second year, the next time in June 2017 in Tampere, Finland.
The idea of the Pub is to offer participants and visitors to Glasstec an opportunity for informal get-togetherness in a relaxed and less official surrounding. Business associates and friends meet in a before or after dinner mood for an exchange of views about the trends and the visions of the glass business.
- The special benefit of the Pub arrangement is that it offers an informal forum for the strengthening of relationships created during the fair, comments Mauri Saksala of Sparklike, one of the corporate sponsors of the event. Opportunities are created for exchanging views with seasoned specialists such as structural engineers, architects and façade builders, researchers, academic professionals, industry and processors. The host sponsors line up their best contacts for these Pub encounters and are committed to cater both to the professional and social needs of their guests. The Pub is an ideal place to meet old and prospective customers.
Currently the Pub 2016 is sponsored by leading organizations such as AGC Interpane, dormakaba, Sparklike, Fenetech, Advanced Energy Industries, Dow Corning, Frintrup, THIEME, Kramer & Best, Ayrox, A+W, Haldenwanger, Glass online, Glass Technology International, RegaLead Ltd and Glaston. GPD specialists also stand ready to provide information on their world-leading Glass Forum in view of the 2017 Conference that marks its quarter century traditions and the host country Finland´ s 100th Independence Anniversary.
The Pub – “the evening glass class”
opens up in traditional fashion September 20-23rd, 2016 at Bolkerstrasse 55 in the heart of Düsseldorf´s Altstadt. For additional information about the event, its hosting, customer and VIP opportunities, contact Mr Jorma Vitkala at jorma.vitkala@gpd.fi Jorma Vitkala can also be reached both before and during the event by mobile phone +358 40 553 2042
Note ! web map address https://goo.gl/maps/HDim88uqXPD2

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