Date: 23 September 2005
From several years on glass market, the company FORZA G ITALIA S.r.l., producer of CENTRIFUGAL SOLID/LIQUID SEPARATOR SYSTEMS, displays at its Vitrum booth H2O Global Systems that means SYSTEM OF MICRIFILTRATION that procede part of the grinding fluid to obtain water for the glass washer machine, SWEET WATER treatment and OSMOSIS to comlete the range of its production.
From several years on glass market, the company FORZA G ITALIA S.r.l., producer of CENTRIFUGAL SOLID/LIQUID SEPARATOR SYSTEMS, displays at its Vitrum booth H2O Global Systems that means SYSTEM OF MICRIFILTRATION that procede part of the grinding fluid to obtain water for the glass washer machine, SWEET WATER treatment and OSMOSIS to comlete the range of its production.
Forza G Italia
Forza G Italia 
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