Edgetech to Discuss Long-term Energy Efficiency at Glass Processing Days 2007 Audiences in both Shanghai, China and Tampere, Finland

Date: 19 April 2007
Source: Edgetech

Date: 19 April 2007

Energy efficiency is not only a hot topic at this year’s  Glass Processing Days in China and Finland, but it is resonating around the world among all  audiences.

As architects and specifiers become increasingly aware of the part warm edge technology plays in energy efficiency, they will want assurance that their suppliers are  manufacturing products that will retain their energy efficiency long-term.

Edgetech I.G. is is improving energy efficiency through warm edge technology,

so do not miss the chance to attend Gerhard Reichert’s presentation “Improving Long-term  Energy Performance of Insulating Glass in Buildings” at the Glass Processing Days (GPD) 2007  Conference in Shanghai, China, May 14 – 15, 2007 and in Tampere, Finland, June 15 – 18, 2007.  Reichert, Edgetech’s vice president of international business development, will discuss methods  and trends for improving quality and energy efficiency of insulating glass units through  automation – specifically focusing on just-in-time online automation of the butyl extrusion  process.

“The quality of an insulating glass unit is a key factor in determining the life expectancy of a  unit,” said Reichert. “It is well known that workmanship is one of the key considerations  affecting quality and long-term durability of an insulating glass unit and that automation helps  raise quality through consistency, and reduction of the human factor.”

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