Date: 25 October 2007
The rapid growth of window energy ratings and an ever increasing demand for more energy efficient glazing means 2008 will be a challenging and important year for the window industry. “We will be using the industry show to highlight Edgetech’s exciting business support and innovative products, designed to help our customers increase sales in a changing market place” explains Andy Ball, Marketing and Business Development Manager of Edgetech. “The show’s over-riding theme for 2008 will be one of Sustainability for Profit, an approach that dovetails neatly with Edgetech’s. Energy rated windows are of course better for the environment and positive contributors to sustainability, but more importantly, with the right approach they are helping companies win sales and improve profitability.
“Based on our success at Glassex 07 we have decided to up our activity even more in 2008 by taking the high profile sponsorship package of the visitor entrances. Some may question why. After all, we’re exhibiting anyway so why do we need to do more? I believe the more you put into something, the more you get out. There is a simple correlation between increased marketing and increased success at exhibitions. The mixed reports from the last Glassex were no coincidence and those exhibitors I spoke to whose emphasis was on marketing before, during and after the show reaped the rewards. Glassex-GP&T is a major investment for Edgetech, we will put in 100% for the 2008 show and look forward to launching new product developments and customer support initiatives – more on these shortly.”

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