Date: 3 February 2007
Koob shares his expertise in caring for glass objects in a new book, "Conservation and Care of Glass Objects," published in November 2006 by The Corning Museum of Glass.
Designed to aid conservators in understanding the materials used in the conservation and restoration of historical glass objects, this book places particular emphasis on the correct and safest methods of handling, cleaning, displaying, mounting, lighting, transporting, and storing glass objects. There is an in-depth look at the causes and symptoms of "sick" (crizzled) glass.
Koob holds a Master's degree in classical archeology from Indiana University and completed the program in archeological conservation at the University of London's Institute of Archaeology. He spent five and a half years as conservator at the Agora in Athens, and has also worked at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Philadelphia and the Freer Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
He has worked extensively on archeological excavations, including the Samothrace in Greece, and Gordion and Sardis in Turkey. Koob is a Fellow of the American and International Institutes for Conservation, and regularly teaches a number of courses about conservation.
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