Date: 19 October 2004
Today we are a dynamic Company placed in the center of the Country with 2500 m² of covered area, a specialized team and our own Know How developed along the years.
Producing from the small muffles and electric laboratory kilns, to the industrial Gas kilns of big dimension, potter wheels, warmed filling up stands, diluters, glazing cabins and many other equipments for the ceramic and others activities.
To satisfy a vaster and varied number of customers we also began to market other type of equipments and materials aiming an almost complete service for activities so varied as Craft, Ceramic and Glass Industry, Laboratories.
We make stoves from 50ºC until 400ºC and kilns from 500ºC until 2000ºC.
Additionally we also have a store in Lisbon, where besides the kilns, potter wheels, vise, to put in the kiln materials and other equipments, they can also find all the inherent materials for fusing, porcelain and ceramic painting (china, inks, books, oils, clay, glazings, glazed tiles...)
Strongly implanted in the national market, with clients from North to South, Islands of Açores and Madeira, the company rushes now in the challenge of the International market, participating in fairs and events, seeking the divulgation of its equipments and consequent enlargement of its commercial area.
Our kilns are equipped with digital temperature controllers for easy handle, and the manual of instructions is included.
The ceramic kilns are equipped with the TC2001, HC100 or Bentrup® thermocomputers.
Glass kilns come equipped with the controller 3PR, each program with 8 step until 32.
According to customer's needs, the configurations can be altered, and any controller can be installed in all the types of kilns.
Management and commercial Department
Eng. Jorge Barracha
contact: 262578030 / 218530726

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