Date: 11 February 2019
Within 4 hours the participants will gain an insight to the process of realizing complex all-glass facade structures.
This workshop will discuss glass design, structural and movement concepts, bearing strategy, manufacturing, installation and the use of large glass sizes and its challenges.
Following the introduction to a recently completed all-glass project and a short briefing, the participants will have to develop solutions in an interactive part. The participants will be supported by the workshop organizers. Hence, a main focus of the workshop is on the participant’s collaborative and interactive development of design solutions for all-glass projects where the recently built facade ICONSIAM in Bangkok, Thailand, forms the background for the task.
The organizers will introduce the participants in the realized design of the final facade in the last part of this workshop. Other examples of all-glass projects will be presented and discussed, too. Target group for this workshop are young and motivated engineers, designers and architects at the beginning of their career with a strong interest in steel and glass construction.
About the Speakers:
Christoph Bauchinger - seele / se-austria GmbH & Co. KG. Christoph has been working as a façade professional for more than 10 years and has successfully completed large scale projects worldwide. As Design Leader and certified Façade Engineer, Christoph is heading design teams that focus on steel-glass-structures and all-glass designs.
- All-Glass Constructions: Requirements for Design and Engineering
- Total transparency: All-glass designs and its features
Martien Teich - seele GmbH, Martien is working as Head of the R&D department at seele. The R&D department combines all project-relevant engineering services like structural engineering, testing, building physics, welding and bonding technology, product developement, approvals, codes and specifications. He is also giving lectures about Shell structures at the university in Munich.
All-Glass Constructions: Requirements for Design and Engineering
- Development of a Novel CCF Glass Tube Façade in Hong Kong

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