Date: 21 May 2018
As well as regular information of the glass industry, architects, designers and builders about new opportunities for the use of products and structures based on glass. The joint work of the industry community will serve to expand the areas of application of glass in construction and increase the volume of use of products and structures based on glass.
To implement the decision of the Forum, plans for industry events were developed. The main executor of this program are: the Department of flat glass and industrial processing of the glass Union of Russia and the inter-industry working group "industrial Processing. Safety and fire glass".
In the framework of the implementation of the programme, 27 Feb StekloSouz Russia at the 2nd Forum "Innovations in facades and roofs of the Building Skin Russia 2018" was held a Round table of representatives of the glass industry and facade of the public "Translucent structures in facades and roofs. Practice and prospects".
As part of the Business program Of the international construction and interior exhibition Batimat Russia-2018 in the IEC "Crocus Expo", April 4 was organized a Round table "Industrial processing of sheet glass and the use of translucent structures in construction." The organizers of the event were StekloSouz Russia together with NP "National Partnership of Associations and Unions of enterprises of the construction materials industry".
The unique platform, which is the largest exhibition Batimat Russia-2018, allowed to unite the joint interests of manufacturers of materials, products and structures based on glass and representatives of the main consumer of the industry – the Construction industry.
The next major industry event, held in the framework of the sectoral program-the 9th international conference "Stekloprogress-XXI", which will be held in Saratov on may 22-25, 2018. the co-Chairman of the organizing Committee of the conference is The President of the Association StekloSouz Russia Osipov VI The purpose of the conference: analysis of the current state and development of the glass industry, science, international business cooperation, training for the industry.
Subject matter:
- prospects for the development of the glass industry;
- compositions and properties of glass;
- glass raw materials and preparation of charge;
- development of nanotechnology in the production of sheet glass;
- architectural and decorative glass, glass for solar energy;
- glass furnaces and refractories;
- technology of glassmaking, molding, annealing and end operations;
- foam glass;
- industrial glass processing;
- safe glazing, double-glazed Windows;
- energy-saving glazing, glazing with variable transmission type "smart glass";
- equipment, tools for the production and processing of glass;
- research equipment;
- the study of physico-chemical and performance properties of glass, refractories, and glass;
- ecology.
The previous 8th international conference "Stekloprogress-XXI" was held in may 2016. The conference was attended by representatives of 32 organizations and enterprises from 8 countries: Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Turkey, including:
- representatives of 7 state, national research universities of Saratov, Belgorod, Samara, South-Russian Polytechnic Novocherkassk, Saransk and RSTU. D. I. Mendeleev;
- 11 research institutes and NGOs: JSC "SIS", Saratov, JSC "neets", Moscow, "Nanotechnology-MDT", Moscow, "NPO GIPO", Kazan, Institute of theoretical and experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, Russia, "glass Service", Czech Republic etc.
- 7 glass factories producing sheet glass: "Saratovstroysteklo", "Gomelsteklo", Belarus," Proletarian", Ukraine, JSC" SIS", " Gusev glass factory. Dzerzhinsky, Lisma Mordovia, Fakel, Udmurtiya;
- 5 enterprises and organizations that develop and produce refractory products for the glass industry: Borovichi refractory plant and its Trading House, RHI (Germany), Podolsky refractory plant, Magnezit Group (Satka), GIR Eastern Europe, Moscow.

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