Date: 25 January 2019
February 26-27, 2019 Moscow in Danilovsky EventHALL
The purpose of the event: Organization of system interaction between the manufacturers of light-transparent structures and architects, designers, builders.
Moderator: Andrey Gorin, Director of the Department of the StekloSouz of Russia.
A. Chesnokov, Head of the Laboratory of JSC "Institute of Glass", Head of the Technical Committee for Standardization T; 41 Glass.
Topic: "The role of science, testing laboratories and standardization in the development of modern translucent structures."
V. Gagarin, Head of Laboratory, NIISF RAACS.
The topic of the report: “The introduction of Changes No. 1 to SP50.13330.2012“ SNiP 23-02-2003 thermal protection of buildings ”in the part of translucent structures.
Arnautov S.V., General Director of the ARLIFT Company.
Topic: "Modern technologies and equipment for the installation of translucent structures."
A. Spiridonov, Head of the Laboratory, NIISF RAACS.
Topic: "The main problems of the market of translucent structures and development prospects."
T.Vlasova, Director, Center for Certification of Window and Door Techniques, Head of Subcommittee PC 24, Window, Door and Gate Blocks. Components and materials »TK 465" Construction ".
The topic of the report: "Development and updating of regulatory documents governing the production and use of window structures."
Domokeev S.V., General Director of Privat Glas.
Topic: "Facade solutions - translucent structures based on high-tech glass (smart glass, electrochromic, electrically heated, with integrated LEDs, triplex jumbo format, triplex with metal mesh)."
Okulov A.Yu., Head of Technical Department, LLC VEKA RUS.
Topic: “Modern window designs. Requirements and development prospects ".
Get information and register for the Forum BuildingSkinRussia 2019 / Window Days in Russia at SITE .
Information on the “Transparent Structures” section of the StekloSouz can be obtained on the StekloSouz of Russia’s website www.steklosouz.ru .
Contacts: Andrey Gorin, Director, Department of Sheet Glass and Industrial Processing, t. 8 (495) 411-68-40, gorin@steklosouz.ru.

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