Date: 20 September 2007
As President Fortunato Vianello stated “a few years ago it would have been easy to give in to the temptation of forced relocating elsewhere as many have done for profit, but it was clear enough that in such a specific sector as ours, quality and local investments, in a long to medium period, would have brought to the results that are nowadays clearly visible to everyone”.
Quality with no compromises was and still is one of the company’s policies to which the company of Treviso has never renounced, often going against the mainstream. Even its latest projects the factors that have determined the good quality still present on the market today can be perceived.
On this occasion, For.El. will anticipate once again the market’s demand and it will exhibit the results of a project that has engaged the company for more than three years and that consists in the development of a cutting edge lamination plant based on the use of PVB. This plant is mainly addressed to the industrial glass-making sector which requires more and more specialized performances for the most difficult types of processing, including hardened glass and thick glass lamination with internal or edge processing.
This product makes For.El. production range even broader. Starting from the glass storage and moving to the lamination, cutting and manufacturing of high quality insulating glass panes, implemented through the most reliable automation systems, the company is nowadays considered a reliable partner for the whole glass-making industry, as it forestalls the market’s demand and it represents a reference point for all those firms that really want to differentiate their own products and that want to lead their relevant markets.
Choosing lamination was a real must for For.El. on account of the continuous development of glass and film technique performances as well as the contemporary exponential growth of power source costs. These last years it has been obvious that lamination is indeed the route to take instead of other techniques for manufacturing highly efficient thermal and acoustic safety glass. Moreover, these processes completed a course that started many years ago with the production of the vertical cutting line for laminated glass, which will be exhibited on the occasion of Vitrum with major technical improvements featured by a better productivity and a lower maintenance.
Moreover, the group of Treviso keeps on renewing and updating its core business, exhibiting many innovations related to insulating glass production plants. “This year you will see plenty of innovations in our complete range of products” stated President Vianello. “It is clear that a sensitization related to the world power problems fosters our company in proposing ideas and solutions for quality products to our sector, which could have not been appreciated or understood up to some time ago, but that nowadays are of topical interest. And since the solution was already designed some time ago …it is surely a great advantage … that, however, does not stop us from continuously moving towards innovation”.
FOR.EL. at Vitrum (Fiera Milano, Rho – Pero from 3rd to 6th October 2007- Hall 13 Stand H19 - M 20)

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