Date: 5 November 2019
Vitrum 2019 makes headway in its strategy of international recognition as an exceptional exhibition platform dedicated to the world of glass processing. The numbers speak for themselves: 267 Exhibitors from 25 different countries, up 9% compared to Vitrum 2017. Net occupied surface area of 16,134m2 for a significant (10.81%) increase over the 14,569m2 at the previous edition.
Its international appeal was also evident in terms of visitors, who made up a significant percentage of overseas participants. The turnstile count indicated 11,816 visitors, with 53.15% from 85 different countries. A majority, therefore, of foreign visitors, primarily from Russia, followed by Germany, Spain, Poland and France.
“In contrast to previous editions, Vitrum 2019 yielded positive results. In fact, if 2017 represented year zero of the new strategy, this year the numbers are back in the plus column, with almost 11% more exhibit space occupied and more than 15.5 million euro-worth of machinery on display,” emphasized Vitrum President, Dino Zandonella Necca. “Add to this the radical transformation in the caliber of visitors, in terms of their professionalism and technical specialization, greatly appreciated by most of the exhibiting companies. With approx. 7,000 registered visitors and nearly 12,000 entries, Vitrum is unmistakably positioned among the leading global glass machinery trade shows”.
In fact, this edition recorded a substantial share of trade professionals, relative to total visitor numbers. Proof that runs parallel to the positive performance of industry exports in the first half of 2019 and indicates things are looking good for Italy’s glass processing machinery industry.
The trade show specialized in machinery, equipment and special products for glass processing upholds its reputation as a key marketplace where businesses can meet with their loyal customers and build relationships with industry professionals and buyers from around the world.
In this regard, the participation of international Top Buyers is, without a shadow of a doubt, a key ingredient, thanks to the valuable support provided to the hosted buyers by the Ministry of Economic Development and ITA (Italian Trade Agency).
“The international hosted buyer activities played a key role in achieving these numbers,” continued the President, “organized in partnership with ITA and GIMAV, making it possible for 75 Top Buyers from 18 countries to visit the show and take part in a total of 327 appointments at the stands of Italian companies. In addition, our partnership with the international glass associations – 22 of them from 17 countries – was bolstered thanks, again, to the synergies with ITA, and contributed greatly to the internationality and the quality of the visitors, primarily from Russia, who made up 7.08% of the total number of visitors registered”.
Similarly, Vitrum also firmly established the high quality of its exhibitors: in fact, more than 77% of exhibitors were manufacturers, with 206 participants, for a 10.2% increase over 2017. A unique feature of this show that is especially appreciated by industry professionals.
The innovative 12 Vitrum Specialized pathways were extremely popular with visitors who understood how to use them to efficiently organize their visit to the show, quickly and effortlessly planning their itineraries to focus on the stands of interest. The Specialized logos also brought greater visibility to certain less well-known activities.
Hosted in the new Meeting Area, the seminars were well-attended and focused throughout the show on specific technical topics of interest to glass processing professionals. Turnout at the Agents and Dealers Area also exceeded expectations. An innovation at the 2019 edition, the Area made it possible for manufacturers interested in expanding their businesses to establish fruitful relationships with potential new international agents or representatives.
In addition, a Press Corner was set up at the 2019 edition as an essential support point for the journalists, photographers and video camera operators in attendance. And, for the first time, an information desk was made available at the Partner Businesses Area for GIMAV members.
Lastly, Vitrum strengthened its own role as the “home of the associations”, offering a space where all the domestic and international associations that represent the multi-faceted world of glass, and trade journalists from around the world, could share and compare ideas to strengthen the common objectives undertaken at the meetings of the Convention of International Glass Associations held in Murano and Venice.
The next appointment – Vitrum 2021 – will take place October 5-8. An event that, in this interdependent economic scenario, has firmly established itself as a pivotal moment to conduct business and talk shop, at the service of the global glass industry.

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