Date: 9 April 2009
The attention of glass industry professionals from Italy and around the world is already focused on VITRUM 2009, the 16th occasion of the specialized international exhibition of machinery, equipment and systems for the processing of flat and hollow glass, glass and finished products for industry. A distinguished international showcase, in this year of troubled global economies, Vitrum 2009 will be a crucial point of reference for taking stock of the industry’s performance and laying the groundwork for jump-starting the growth process.
Inside the new Fiera Milano Complex in Rho, Italy, from October 28 to 31, 2009 more than 70,000 sq. m. of exhibition space will provide the forum for displaying the latest technological innovations in the glass industry, with more than 600 Italian and international firms participating.
The Show is divided into three themed areas, making it possible for visitors from around the globe to discover the latest inventions in both the artistic and industrial glass sectors.
One section devoted entirely to flat glass will host the latest-generation technologies that allow the flat glass sector to maintain a very solid position in the global market.
The excellent quality of fine Italian workmanship will be highlighted in the Vitrum Hollow Glass area of the show, reserved for companies working in the hollow glass sector.
Vitrum Energy 2009 is the place where visitors will have the opportunity to discover what the glass industry has to offer in terms of green economy and future prospects in the area of energy-saving materials.
Exhibits, conferences and demonstrations of the various kinds of glass processing, will bring added value to the four days of the Show. The finest Italian artistic tradition in glass processing will be displayed alongside the most innovative technologies in the field of machinery and equipment. Performances by the glass masters of Murano will show visitors from around the world Italy’s thousands-of-years-old tradition in hand-working this precious material. Indeed, Vitrum 2009 will include an area in which historic photographs and live demonstrations by the master glass craftsmen from Murano will make it possible to rediscover the delicate artistry typical of these elaborate creations, which for centuries have been synonymous with ‘excellence’ across the globe.

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