Date: 2 April 2014
For what is now already the eighth time, the Aktionsforum Glasverpackung will be holding the industry event for representatives and decision-makers of the bottling industry and trade.This time, the focus will be on exciting topics to do with the consumer: what will the trading trends of the future look like and what will they mean for the consumer and the packaging market? What does the consumer actually want? And what will politicians be asking for when it comes to consumer protection? These are just a few of the questions that the top-class speakers will be looking into in a varied programme. Registrations for Trendtag Glas and the evening event will be accepted at presse [at] glasaktuell [dot] de.
New this year: From now on, the get-together will be taking place on the same day as Trendtag Glas and the Aktionsforum Glasverpackung plans to award a prize for product innovations in glass packaging in the framework of Trendtag Glas. More detailed information on this award and ways of registering can be found under:

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