Date: 24 May 2010
As the UK’s leading supplier of insulated glass sealed unit components and sealed unit manufacturing machinery, Thermoseal Group representatives will be on hand to discuss any element of glass sealed unit manufacture, as well as specific components and how they will comply with 2010 building regulations and the BFRC Window Energy Rating (WER) system.
Thermoseal Group’s Marketing Manager, Samantha Hill says: “I’ll be at both shows for the duration where we’ll display a range of warm edge spacers and WER compatible products.We’re also hoping to show our new warm edge spacer bar Thermobar at Belfast, with details of when we can supply the bar to market. We’re waiting on some final test results, but please be assured that the results for Thermobar should match (if not exceed) the highest thermal performance of all other spacer tubes on the market.”
Mark Hickox, Sales Director at Thermoseal Group, continues: “We’d really like to speak to anyone looking at the warm edge market. In recent months, we’ve had a great deal of involvement with the Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) regarding the WER Scheme and how it affects the insulated glass business. I now attend the majority of GGF meetings to discuss the impact of the scheme on suppliers such as ourselves, as well as IG manufacturers and how we all work together with window fabricators and double glazing installers to produce energy rated windows. I’d be happy to discuss any agreed developments with you at the show.”
For further information, call Thermoseal Group on 0121 331 3950, e-mail: sales@thermosealgroup.com or visit www.thermosealgroup.com.

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