Schiatti Superservice: a superhero for assistant

Schiatti Superservice: a superhero for assistant
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Officina Meccanica Schiatti Angelo s.r.l.

Date: 5 March 2025

In 2025, Officina Meccanica Schiatti Angelo s.r.l. has chosen to highlight service as the cornerstone of its operations.

The company embraces the role of a dedicated partner, always ready to support customers wherever they are, ensuring seamless operations and preventing any production setbacks.

A 360° Service: Before, During, and After

What sets Schiatti apart is the certainty of continuous and proactive assistance. More than just supplying machines, the company provides structured support throughout every stage of the process: listening, consulting, and after-sales service.

Preliminary Phase: Listening and Consulting

With decades of industry experience, Schiatti understands that each customer has specific requirements. The service begins with a thorough analysis of production needs, considering available space, production volumes, and processing methods. From this detailed evaluation, the company provides tailored consulting, identifying the most suitable technological solutions or customizing machines to meet precise operational demands.

Purchasing Phase: Pre-Assembly and Installation

Once the appropriate machine has been selected, each component is manufactured and assembled in Schiatti’s facility, undergoing rigorous testing to ensure flawless functionality. Only after passing these stringent checks is the machine shipped to its final destination. Schiatti’s specialized technicians then oversee the assembly and start-up process, providing on-site training to ensure smooth integration into the customer's workflow.

After-Sales Phase: Maintenance, Spare Parts, and Technical Support

To guarantee the longevity and efficiency of its machines, Schiatti offers a scheduled maintenance plan. However, the company remains prepared to respond swiftly to any unexpected issues, whether in person or remotely. Even after years of operation—since Schiatti’s machines are built to last—the company ensures the availability of original spare parts and top-tier service.

Wherever customers are in the world, Schiatti delivers prompt and effective support. Choosing Schiatti means not just purchasing a machine, but gaining a reliable partner committed to operational excellence. With or without the superhero cape, Schiatti stands by its customers every step of the way.

600450 Schiatti Superservice: a superhero for assistant

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