Round table on BATIMAT 2019

Round table on BATIMAT 2019
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Date: 25 February 2019

Round table: "The use of glass in construction. Industrial processing of flat glass, technology, equipment, components and materials".

Date and time: March 13, 2019, 14:30 - 17:30 

Venue: Second Pavilion, Crocus Expo IEC 

(specify the conference room before the visit)


• Association StekloSouz Russia; 

• NP "National Partnership of Associations and Unions of building materials industry enterprises"

Task of the Round Table: Organization of system interaction between glass manufacturers and glass-based structures and consumers, as well as manufacturers of equipment, components and materials. Expansion of the scope of glass in construction and increase the production and use of products and structures based on glass.

Let's discuss together: 

How to stimulate the growth of production and use of innovative products in glass production? How will the changes in the market increase the requirements for thermal resistance of translucent structures? Influence of departmental regulatory documents (MIA, MES, etc.) and their use? What types of products of the glass industry are most in demand in the modern market? What new joint ventures and GOSTs are needed first? How are modern glass mounting technologies developing and what equipment is used? How to ensure that modern products and designs are included by designers in projects and applied by builders? Prospects for the use of foam glass in construction? How to develop import substitution, meaning by this national security? What prevents the development of new types of glass and products in various industries?

Among the speakers:

• Alexander G. Chesnokov, Head of the Department for Standardization and Testing of the Institute of Glass, Head of the Technical Committee for Standardization of the TC 41 Glass; • Alexander Spiridonov, Head of the Laboratory of the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences (NIISF RAACS); 

• Novoselov Viktor Anatolyevich, President of the Russian Union of Designers; 

• Testing laboratory of banking equipment and glazing; Special Service - on the issue of product certification in laboratories accredited by Rostest and test centers; 

• SRC "Construction" - on the use of insulating materials based on foam glass; 

• Vladimir G. Gagarin - energy saving glazing issues, head of the laboratory of the Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences (NIISF RAACS); 

• Representatives of the digging.

We invite industry representatives to take part in the round table. 

Registration of participants at the event is MANDATORY on the BATIMAT exhibition website at reference.

Press Center "StekloSouz". 

600450 Round table on BATIMAT 2019

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