Date: 20 February 2014
The CGA board has high standards and are looking for the right fit for the long term.”
Interested candidates can email their resumes and cover letter to
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The Canadian Glass Association (CGA) is a national trade association representing the provincial and national interests of the glazing industry.
Vancouver, B.C.-based Porayko, who’s career in marketing began 20 years ago, with over ten of them in the commercial glass industry, has been a contributing freelance writer to Glass Canada for the last six years and writes a column in Fenestration Review magazine called ‘That’s Rich’. Porayko has also been heavily active in a variety of marketing, membership and event roles with the former Glazing Contractors Association of BC (GCABC). According to Porayko, he is an active member of the BC Chapter of the American Marketing Association (BCAMA) and Toastmasters International and attends meetings from both organizations a regular basis.
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