Results of the Round Table of the StekloSouz of Russia at BATIMAT 2019

Results of the Round Table of the StekloSouz of Russia at BATIMAT 2019
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Date: 27 March 2019

"The use of glass in construction. Industrial processing of flat glass, technology, equipment, components and materials "

In December 2018, at the Glass and Modern Technologies glass industry executives forum held annually by the StekloSouz Association, it was decided to entrust the StekloSouz Association of Russia to organize systemic interactions between glass manufacturers and light-transparent structures and the construction community.

And also, regularly informing the glass industry enterprises, architects, designers and builders about the expanding possibilities of using glass-based products and structures.

For the execution of the Forum Decision, plans were developed for holding industry events. The main implementers of this program are: the Department of flat glass and industrial processing of the Glass Union of Russia and the intersectoral Working Group “Sheet glass. Industrial processing. Safety and fireproof glass.

As part of the implementation of this program and the implementation of plans for cooperation between the StekloSouz of Russia and TC 465 “Construction”, a joint meeting of the Public Coordination Council of PC 24 “Window, door and door blocks was held on February 20 in the StekloSouz Union Conference Room. Components and materials »ТК 465" Construction "and the Working group" Sheet glass. Industrial processing. Safety and fireproof glass.

Further, the Association StekloSouz of Russia within the framework of the Business Program of the Building Skin Russia 2019 / Window Days in Russia on February 27 was organized and held one of the most relevant events for the successful development of the glass market: “Translucent structures. Past, present and future ". This event has already become traditional; the StekloSouz section held in 2018 also attracted a lot of attention from the participants. This year the event was attended by more than 350 visitors to the Forum.

The next major event was organized by the StekloSouz Association of Russia within the framework of the Business Program of the International Building and Interior Exhibition Batimat Russia 2019 at the Crocus Expo IEC, where on March 13, the round table “Use of glass in construction. Industrial processing of flat glass, technology, equipment, components and materials".

The unique platform, which is the largest exhibition of Batimat Russia, allowed to unite the joint interests of manufacturers of materials, products and structures based on glass and representatives of the main consumer of the industry’s products - the Construction Complex.

This event also becomes traditional, held in 2018 by the StekloSouzom Roundtable on the use of glass in construction also attracted great attention of participants.

The event was traditionally attended by architects, designers, developers, developers, construction organizations, manufacturers of facade structures, manufacturers of sheet glass, architectural glass, industrial glass processing enterprises, leading scientific organizations, technical committees for standardization TC 41 "Glass", PC 24 “Windows, doors, gates and components for them” TK 465 “Construction”, TK 144 “Building materials and products”, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, components and materials.

Opening the meeting, the President of the StekloSouz of Russia Viktor Ivanovich Osipov noted the importance of organizing systemic interaction between the regulatory and supervising authorities, the manufacturers of glass and translucent structures and the Construction Complex. Joint discussion of problems and their solutions serves to expand the scope of glass in construction and increase the use of glass-based products and structures.

The range of glass products is constantly updated, becoming more popular, modern and high-tech. Accordingly, technologies, equipment and components are being improved.

Products from flat glass, foam glass, fiberglass and other segments of the glass industry are unique materials, but architects, designers, builders and consumers are not always aware of all the possibilities this material provides and how to use it correctly.

In addition, the innovative development of the glass industry allows us to offer consumers new, more modern types of glass: hardened and molded glass of large formats, glass with coatings of new types, high-transparent and high-strength glass, glass with ceramic printing, safe and fire-resistant glass, electrochromic, electrically heated, and many others types of glass products.

The use of glass in the internal space of buildings is actively developing; these are glass partitions, glass floors and ceilings, glass stairs, bathrooms and showers. Given the tendency to use large-sized glass products and structures, technologies and equipment for the safe installation of glass become important. Modern glass products are structural materials, including bearing and interfloor structures.

All these areas and the most up-to-date information was presented by the “Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences” (NIISF RAACS); JSC "Institute of Glass" and the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 41 "Glass", subcommittee PC 24 "Window, door and door blocks. Components and materials »ТК 465« Construction », ТК 144« Building materials and products »and leading enterprises of the glass industry.

A constructive discussion was aroused by the report of the Director General of the Polymer Profiles Manufacturers for Translucent Structures (SPPP) Rusina SL: "The main directions for the development of the window market in Russia."

The speaker spoke about modern window designs, how the market developed in previous years, and development prospects Unfortunately, the trend of recent years, which demonstrates the annual significant decrease in the consumption of window constructions, has not yet been overcome.

They will continue in the next 2 to 3 years. Therefore, in a declining market, the work on popularizing modern translucent structures, informing architects, designers and builders of all the advantages and opportunities provided by manufacturers is of particular importance.

Particular attention was caused by the discussion of the topic on the introduction of Changes No. 1 to SP50.13330.2012 "SNiP 23-02-2003 thermal protection of buildings" in terms of translucent structures. " Especially since the leader of the developers of the Code, the head of the laboratory of NIISF RAACS of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Gagarin VG delivered a report. And the participants of the Round Table had the opportunity to ask questions directly to the authors of the development.

This document significantly increases the required values ​​of thermal resistance of translucent structures. The fears of the industry community were caused by an excessive increase in requirements and strict deadlines for introducing them into action, which significantly changed the situation on the market for translucent structures. In addition, previous regulations operated on a mandatory basis.

However, you should pay attention to the features of the application of this document. StekloSouz Rossi on behalf of the industry community was sent a request to the leadership of the Ministry of Construction of Russia on the order of the new standards. The response received (attached) signed by the management of the department of urban planning and architecture of the Ministry of Construction of Russia allowed to understand the situation.

The rules and GOST standards are documents applied on a voluntary basis. Separate standards can be applied on a mandatory basis if they are included in the Government Decree dated December 26, 2014 No. 1521 “On approval of the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules) as a result of which the requirements of the Federal the law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".

However, changes made to the requirements of regulatory documents (or their parts) included in the List in the process of updating them, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation, are applied on a voluntary basis.

These changes come into force as binding for use only from the moment the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on making these changes in the list comes into force.

In connection with the foregoing, Amendments No. 1 to SP 50.13330.2012 "Thermal protection of buildings" after entry into force will be applied on a voluntary basis.

Important questions were raised in a report prepared by Chesnokov AG, Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Glass, Head of the Technical Committee for Standardization of the TC 41 "Glass" Chesnokov. First of all it concerns the regulatory framework affecting the use of glass in construction.

The main group of requirements that must be taken into account in the design and manufacture of glazing are state-wide requirements, since the inspecting bodies carry out expert examination and acceptance of objects in accordance with them, and experts rely on them when analyzing conflict situations.

This group of requirements includes a large number of various regulatory documents. In the design and manufacture of glazing most often have to deal with the following groups of documents: 

Building codes and regulations (SNiPs); 

Security Requirements (MIA, MES); 

Fire Prevention Rules (EMERCOM); 

Sanitary rules (Ministry of Health); 

State standards; 

Certification requirements (mandatory, voluntary).

Special attention should be paid to the influence of departmental regulatory bases (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Health, etc.) on the use of glass in construction. After the terrorist attacks, great attention was paid to the safety requirements of the glazing, since glass fragments often become a destructive factor and more people suffer from them than from other explosion factors.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia issued a number of documents with safety requirements. These are departmental documents, therefore they are difficult to study, they are not published in the open press and often change, but they must be carried out.

Fire prevention regulations contain a number of departmental regulatory documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which are not widely available, often contradict SNiP, but they are the ones that guide fire inspectors when accepting buildings and structures.

A large number of requirements for premises and, accordingly, for glazing are contained in the sanitary regulations of the Ministry of Health of Russia, including sound insulation, insolation, lighting, and airing of rooms.

Head of the PC 24 subcommittee “Windows, doors, gates and components for them” of TC 465 “Construction”, Director of the Center for certification of window and door equipment (CS OTD) Vlasova TV spoke about the problems of improving the regulatory framework governing the production and use of window structures ". She reported on the plans of the subcommittee on the development of standards for 2019 and the joint work with the StekloSouz of Russia on the development of the regulatory framework. She also urged glass industry enterprises to participate more actively in the development of new GOSTs and rules.

Special mention should be made of the speech of the technical director of the ARLIFT Company Ivanova G.M. who spoke about modern technologies and equipment for the installation of translucent structures ensuring safety and efficiency. In recent years, the size of the glass used has grown substantially, and the weight of the mounted glass elements has increased. However, during the installation, the builders mainly use conventional construction equipment that is not designed for working with glass and does not take into account its properties.

This leads to a significant increase in the risk of damage and destruction of glass elements during movement and installation. Both the risks to the health and life of workers and the losses in the event of damage and destruction of the glasses increase. The economic damage can be very significant, since modern large glass structural elements have a high cost. In addition, it causes disruption of the terms of the hoe and can significantly increase the cost of construction.

At the same time, the market has modern specialized equipment for the installation of glass structures from simple devices to robotic integrated systems. Moreover, there is an opportunity not only to purchase this equipment, but to rent it for installation periods, if necessary, together with experienced operators.

Another interesting topic that was discussed at the Round Table is high-tech glass. Director for Development of Thermo Glass LLC Nagydasev K.A. spoke about translucent structures based on electrically heated glass and triplex, the scope, the tasks to be solved.

These types of glass are particularly relevant where translucent ceilings and roofs are used. In our climate, the function of providing glass heating for melting ice and snow in the winter period is necessary. In addition, where large format windows are used, especially in office and suburban construction, the use of electrically heated glass allows creating comfortable conditions in the autumn-winter period.

Of course, such important issues as product quality and the fight against counterfeit products, Director of the Testing Laboratory “Certification of Banking Equipment and Glazing of Special Service” Novikova V.D. told about the problems of testing and certification of products in laboratories and testing centers, taking into account the requirements of Rosacreditation ".

Recently, the number of accredited certification bodies and test centers having accreditation has sharply decreased, and industry enterprises have great difficulties in certifying their products. To overcome the negative situation, cooperation and coordination of the certification bodies and test centers remaining in the industry is conducted. One of such examples is the creation of a joint center on the basis of the SBO Special Service and JSC Institute of Glass, which allows to test a wide range of glass products and certify products in accordance with the law.

Also, one of the important directions on the use of glass in construction was reflected in the speech of the Deputy Head of the TsNIISK Department. V.A. Kucherenko Research Center "Construction" Orlova A.D. "Production and use of insulating materials based on foam glass." Foam glass is one of the most promising building materials, which in addition to thermal insulation has also waterproofing properties.

Resistant to mold and provides protection against rodents. Also foamed glass is actively used in road construction. In Russia, modern enterprises producing foam glass for various purposes are used: sheet and block glass, shaped products for pipelines and equipment, the nuclear and chemical industries, and the agro-industrial complex. And also, granulated foam glass and glass fiber.

Conducted a roundtable meeting: Andrey Gorin, Director of Float Glass and Industrial Processing Department of the StekloSouz of Russia.

PHOTO from the event

The next actual largest industry event held by the Association StekloSouz Union of Russia annual International Forum "Glass and modern technology." We invite industry representatives to take part in the preparation and holding of the Forum. Materials on the Forum are available on the StekloSoyuz website. You can now apply for participation in the Forum, as well as reserve a time to speak at a plenary session or during one of the sections of the Forum.

Press Center of StekloSouz. 

600450 Results of the Round Table of the StekloSouz of Russia at BATIMAT 2019

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