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SOLARBAN 60 glass meets the historic landmark, energy efficiency demands for historically accurate renovated windows at the Old Chicago Post Office
Triple-glazed, two-story façade enables daylighting, views, energy efficiency
In this video the topic Software Data Transparency at LiSEC is clearly presented.
Under the umbrella of the VDMA (German Engineering Federation), A+W Software-GmbH is part of the umati community.
The ideal software for your vertical glass processing line
Integrated software solutions for the entire production chain are adapted for individual customer segments.
Guardian SunGuard® SuperNeutral® (SN) 70/35 was also chosen for the façade.
Bovone has always protected its team: certification of compliance with the new ISO 45001 global standard which regulates the management systems for the safety and health of workers arrives.
We demonstrate the superior reliability and behaviour of AB-AR over other structural interlayers
The International Window Film Conference and Tint-Off™ has been rescheduled. The new dates are June 7-9, 2021 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. WFCT will be hosting WFCT Preview Day on January 14, 2021, which will be virtual.
We are pleased to announce that the FOG Group has acquired eBusiness provider Xavannah GmbH & Co KG as part of Toronto-based Vela Software and Constellation Software, which also includes A+W Software GmbH.
Gaining digital added value and simplifying workflows are the focus of the HEGLA Shop-Floor app, which is available in tablet and smartphone versions.
Without a digitizing solution, customer supplied templates can often be a difficult task, as the Swiss company FRANZ GYSI AG can confirm.
Sandwiched between two glass panes is a special hydrogel liquid that turns opaque in sunlight, reducing its heating effect on a building.
Work is changing for many different reasons and not just because of the pandemic. How can mobile applications help your workers do more in less time? How can they help you increase your yield or revenue?
The full range of IGU services, all under one roof!
Guardian SunGuard® SuperNeutral® SN 70/35 was chosen for the windows.
Industry 4.0 data platform at Schollglas Sachsen
Smaller fabricators are consistently overlooked when companies design, market, and sell ERP solutions. A+W Software is changing that for glass fabricators with the launch of our newest product called A+W iCut.
"With FeneTech, we're seeing real benefits in the insights into our business, including inventory, job costs, and productivity." - Shawn Guthrie, Carriage House Door
New addition showcases acid-etched, solar control low-e glass by Walker Glass and Vitro Glass to provide views, bird-safety, energy performance.
All course segments and certification exams for one of FGIA’s flagship education programs has launched and is now available.
Explore Hegla's extensive product portfolio of machines and systems for flat-glass processing.
Between 27 and 30 October 2020, the virtual LiSEC Campus will be welcoming visitors from around the world.
Midway knew they needed to customize certain features and find an effective tracking and shipping system. It didn’t take long to realize that FeneVision was the whole package.