Date: 22 May 2014
HGI will fabricate and distribute RavenWindow to the Pacific Northwest region, which includes Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.The addition of RavenWindow to the HGI product line responds to their customers’ growing demand for energy savings, UV sun protection, glare mitigation and comfort.
RavenWindow is a theromchromic window filter with solar–reactive tint technology that transitions from the clear state to the tinted state and back naturally, managing solar heat gain, which accounts for up to 34% of a building’s energy use. RavenWindow technology answers the demands for energy savings with a rapid two to five year return on investment. The filter is a perfect solution for consumers, architects, and builders demanding cost effective sustainable solutions for energy efficiency.
RavenWindow benefits do not end with remarkable ROI. RavenWindow filters mitigate harmful UV rays ― an important feature according to The World Health Organization’s recent report citing that long-term indoor sun exposure is responsible for 20% (5 million) of patients diagnosed with cataracts. Moreover, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, RavenWindow provides protection from skin cancer while allowing the homeowner /occupant the benefit of enjoying natural daylight safely and comfortably.
“RavenWindow smart window technology offers our customers an attractive ROI, a more comfortable living environment, and blocks harmful UV rays, all important factors when it comes to satisfying our customer’s needs.” Says Kirk Johnson. “RavenBrick’s commitment to developing innovative smart energy solutions align with our core values for quality and customer satisfaction.”
About RavenBrick
Founded in 2006, RavenBrick is a Denver-based manufacturing and innovations company that has developed patented and patents-pending thermochromic filter technology to manage solar heat gain in windows. As buildings are responsible for 40% of the energy used in North America, the ability to manage solar heat gain in windows, the area of the biggest waste of heating and air conditioning, is essential to upgrading the building's thermal performance in a cost effective way. To learn more about RavenBrick, please visit .
About Hartung
Hartung Glass was founded in Seattle in 1924 and has manufacturing and distribution in these locations: Coquitlam and Langley, British Columbia; Seattle; Wilsonville, Ore.; Sacramento, Union City and Anaheim, Calif.; Pueblo, Colo.; South Bend, Ind., and Arlington, Texas. For more information on Hartung, please visit
MK Wohlenhaus, Director of Marketing

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