Date: 6 June 2014
The plant was established in 2008 and it is the youngest factory of the company (the remaining ones are located in NowaWieś, Tczew and Tychy). At the beginning the area of the plant was 12 thousand m²; at present – after the development that took place in 2012 – the area is30 thousand m². After the completion of the aforementioned investment the area of the halls shall increase up to 63 thousand m².
The works on the development shall start in the next quarter. The investment is related to the fulfilment of the wider plan of increasing sales on foreign markets to which more than 80% of the glass manufactured by PRESS GLASS is being sold.
“PRESS GLASS has been carrying out its business activity since 1991. From the very beginning we have been doing our best to improve our competitive advantage, which is one of our main priorities. The development of our plant in Radomsko shall make it possible for us to strengthen our position on Scandinavian markets to which we export the largest quantities of glass. However, at the same time we are going to increase our sales on other markets, including, first of all, the British and the French market.These objectives are to be achieved by – among others – this new investment”
The new halls shall be equipped with machines using the most modern technologies. The factory’s production capacity shall be extended by new production lines for manufacturing glazed units and laminated glass, furnaces for manufacturing tempered glass, and the centre for manufacturing enamelled glass and printed glass.
The plant shall manufacture more types of products. The area of the glass warehouses shall also increase significantly.
After the completion of the development the factory’s capacity shall include, among others, 15 lines for manufacturing glazed units, 6 furnaces for glass tempering, 2 lines for manufacturing laminated glass and 2 specialist processing centres.

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