Date: 10 August 2015
So far, this year during Glasspex India, China Glass, Cannex & Fillex and Propak Asia we met several new contacts, customers, agents and partners.At the base of our success are the tropicalized compressed air and vacuum systems, numerous references since 10+ years of trouble-free operation. On the fertile ground of booming economies, we kept the rigorous Pneumofore engineering approach to install exclusively state-of-the-art machinery, within a correctly engineered project frame. Centralization is becoming a working standard also for mid-size food or packaging plants. High humidity in the atmosphere makes most European and American thermodynamic machinery inadequate. Dedicated solutions with tailored installations allow important operational cost savings and we enjoy meeting friends who experienced huge improvements and openly declare their total satisfaction. This is the case in the Middle East and in Asia. In Western countries, we experience more hesitation to invest in industrial equipment with a long-term view of 10+ years.

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