Date: 2 June 2005
Stas replaces Barry J. McGee, who is retiring after more than 34 years of service to PPG.
Stas started with PPG in 1978 as a project engineer at the former Greensburg, Pa., glass fabrication facility. He subsequently worked in glass manufacturing roles at Evansville, Ind., and Creighton, Pa., before moving to Europe as manager of European automotive glass operations. Stas also served as director, market development, in Europe before returning in 1994 as plant manager for the Meadville, Pa., float glass plant.
In 1997, Stas became director, production, for automotive OEM glass, moving in 1999 to coatings, where he assumed responsibility for the pretreatment and specialty products business. He was appointed director, global operations, for automotive coatings in 2000, and he has served as director, strategic operations, for fiber glass since 2003.
In his new role, Stas reports to Victoria M. Holt, senior vice president, glass and fiber glass.
"Joe's depth and breadth of experience in significant leadership roles prepare him well for this role," Holt said. "He brings both industry knowledge and a strong track record of accomplishment."
Stas earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and business administration from Carnegie Mellon University and a master's of business administration from the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh.

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