Date: 3 February 2007
The exhibition will be held in conjunction with the 4th Solar Silicon Conference, the 1st PV Production Equipment Conference and the 1st PV Investors Conference.
Do you produce manufacturing equipment for making solar silicon, ingots, wafers, cells, or solar modules, or the necessary materials for their production? Do you plan and build factories for the PV sector? Are you involved in consulting? Do you invest in PV technology?
If so, come meet your customers in 2007 at the new Photovoltaic Technology Show! With a 10,000 m² floor space and several thousand industry experts expected to be in attendance, it is the ideal setting for members of the PV branch worldwide to come together.
The publishing company Solar Verlag GmbH – the experts behind the magazines PHOTON and PHOTON International, sources of information in the PV sector – is organizing the event, developing the concept, and taking responsibility for the content. Their involvement is evident in just a glance at the top-notch accompanying conference program.

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