Date: 28 October 2021
When we started the technological research that led to the creation of marbled glass, we were perfectly aware of how common the practice of ‘imitation of nature’ is through the use of the most disparate materials. It goes without saying that we were not satisfied with the traditional results:
the surprise that arises from the unexpected in our opinion must rest on solid functional foundations. Like those that only glass can offer. The advantages offered by glass are indisputable: the thickness (and consequently the weight) is very low compared to that of real stone; glass is a durable material to the point of being almost eternal, stable and not subject to porosity; it can be used in any type of environment, external or internal; finally, glass requires a low level of maintenance, basically only cleaning.
The result of our work are two products: a white one, designed to obtain a ‘Carrara effect’; and a black one ‘Marquina effect’.
Glass that imitates marble is widely used in kitchen and living environments, in backsplashes or to cover walls.
If, as Philip Johnson argued, architecture is the art of organizing interior space, we think that our marbled glass can be a valid support for the creativity of designers.

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