Date: 19 March 2014
With the cost of fuel, fertilizer and other materials continually on the rise, growers of flowers, plants and produce must always be looking for ways to increase yields and remain viable in the market.Those who use greenhouses can now gain a competitive advantage by specifying F-Clean® films (membranes) from AGC Chemicals Americas Inc. for their structures.
F-Clean ETFE films provide more than 93 percent light transmittance and the highest UV transmission – more than glass, polyethylene or polycarbonate – which helps speed crop growth, improve quality and increase yield.
F-Clean membranes are self-extinguishing and available in clear, diffused and UV-blocking versions. The ETFE fluoropolymer chemistry of these films produces several significant performance benefits including:
Long-lasting performance – ETFE films have long-term mechanical strength, optical stability and UV stability, as demonstrated by greenhouse coverings still in use and performing effectively after 27 years.
Low reflection and refraction rates – This characteristic allows ETFE films to effectively transmit more light during low sunlight periods in the morning and evening hours.
Very low surface energy – This characteristic means that dirt will wash away with rain, and snow and ice will slide away, ensuring quality light transmission and eliminating work time, clearing costs and cleaning costs. Anti-drip coating – This coating prevents condensation on the inside of the greenhouse; droplets will not form, which prevents the possibility of drip damage or light reflection.
Diffused film option – This variety of F-Clean film eliminates shadows and spreads the light evenly inside the growing area, enabling more photosynthesis and quality plants.
Click here to get more information on AGC’s F-Clean Films.
About AGC Chemicals Americas Inc.
AGC Chemicals Americas Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Asahi Glass Company Ltd., a $15 billion multinational corporation and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of glass, electronic displays and chemical products. The company was formed in 2004 through the merging of sister companies Asahi Glass Fluoropolymers USA and AGA Chemicals. Headquartered in Exton, Pa., AGC Chemicals Americas maintains manufacturing operations in nearby Thorndale, Pa., and warehouses located throughout North America.

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