Date: 7 March 2023
The organisers and participants in the Panel on Popularisation of Scientific Knowledge Through the Prism of Glass: Objectives, Formats, Resources, Models are convinced of it.
The event, organised by the Grebenshchikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and EXPOCENTRE AO, took place within the conference programme of Russian Construction Week 2023 and the Mir Stekla 2023 exhibition.
The panel was hosted by Natalia Tyurnina, Deputy Director for Research at IHS RAS. She noted that glass can be an interdisciplinary object, through the interest in which science and scientific knowledge can be popularised.
At the panel spoke culturologist, author of the blog about the history and architecture of Novokuznetsk, art observer Ksenia Vasilyeva, who told about the largest mosaic in the Kemerovo region. Natalia Kopaneva, head curator of collections of the MAE RAS, gave examples of the popularisation of scientific knowledge at the Lomonosov Museum. Darya Martyukhova, Director of the Mendeleev Centre, shared her experience of working with children in the Mendeleev Technopark.
The presentations by other speakers also provided an opportunity to look at the formats of science popularisation from the perspective of scientists, teachers, art historians, representatives of production companies, to analyse best practices, to understand what demand there is from society and what bottlenecks exist in this area, and to identify areas for joint projects.
The panel participants discussed various formats for popularising scientific knowledge - from popular science lectures and master classes to science tourism, science volunteering and the creation of children's technology parks.
Natalia Tyurnina also moderated a panel discussion on ‘The system of training and professional development for the glass industry’, which discussed the development of effective mechanisms for cooperation in the training of specialists for science and industry.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO

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