Date: 23 October 2004
Cut Star 3Automatic cutting table for straight and shaped cutting of monolithic glass, with a welded steel fabrication very hard, that guarantee maximum stability during cutting operations.It is equipped with dual reference stop and Optimisation program.
Strato Line Super 3/3.1
Automatic cutting line for straight laminated glass, particularly adapted for big mass production. Cycle of incision, break out and PVB separation is completely automatic, without any movement by the operator.
Twin Cut Master Shape 3
Combined cutting table able to cut on monolithic glass (straight and shaped cutting) and on laminated glass (straight cutting). Twin Cut joins in a single solution two machines able to cut different kind of glass saving a lot of space.
People to contact during Exhibition
Mr. Maurizio Colli
Mr. Matteo De Stefani
Mr. Lorenzo Filippini
Macotec Srl, Via Degli Artigiani, 6/A - 23010 Rogolo (SO) Italy
Tel +39 0342 684648
Fax +39 0342 685255
Web site:

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