Date: 24 October 2001
The equipment has been designed to significantly increase productivity for manufacturers.
Once again, this was demonstrated through the state-of-the-art developments that were presented at Vitrum 2001 in Milan during 03rd to 06th of October. The vast understanding of the market was clearly reflected in the high quality and total reliability of the companies products which are verified through the support from satisfied customers all over the world. The modular design of the equipment and components ensures that production lines are tailored and installed to meet the customer’s individual requirements.
”Giving the future new impetus” – this was the motto of Bystronic / Lenhardt at this yearsï Vitrum 2001 where they presented, on 1.000 mý stand, interesting new and advanced developments live under realistic production conditions:
ú New Bystronic cutting machine Lamicut with edge deletion and cutting device for Low-E glass and float glass
ú Lenhardt TPS-insulating glass production line:
The most advanced and flexible insulating glass production system worldwide
ú New Lenhardt pure water circulation plant
ú New Lenhardt frame bending robot for stainless steel profiles
One of the exhibitions highlights was the newly developed Lamicut from Bystronic which is used for cutting of laminated glass and float glass with automatic edge deletion. The installation can process plate dimensions up to max. 3300 x 6100 mm and cutting widths up to max. 4700 mm which proved very interesting to many experts and on-stand visitors.
The Lamicut includes a unique multi functional positioning bridge, which is equipped with an edge deletion device for low-E glass as well as a cutting head for float glass. The cutting bridge is equipped with tested and proven functions for cutting of laminated glass that can be inserted for the X-breaking of float glass without the need for modification. The dynamic, maintenance-free 3-axis-AC-direct-drive guarantees maximum cutting precision and accuracy for any shape.
All process sequences are controlled using a fully-automatic system which results in increased productivity. Therefore the Lamicut provides a compact and efficient cutting line because of its multi-functioning capabilities and gives a fast and efficient production facility for the customer.
This year Lenhardt presented for the first time at Vitrum the world renowned, most advanced and flexible insulating glass production system – the TPS-Line.
TPS stands for “Thermo Plastic Spacer”. As the name already implies, an elastic, thermo plastic spacer replaces the metallic spacer frame of the insulating glass unit.
The flexibility of a TPS I.G. production line is shown by the efficient manufacturing of standard products as well as by the universal application for special products. It is possible to manufacture, depending on the equipment of a line, stepped I.G. units, shaped units and free shapes, cast resin units or big sizes up to a length of 6 m in continuous and order specific production process. The sequence of the processing steps within the TPS-Line is automatically controlled by the production data, entered via the defined interface of the TPS-Line. The customer is not limited to a particular PPS software, the TPS interface converts the production data for the operation of the line.
This enables a lean production organisation and simultaneously gives a high efficiency and product quality. The fact that on the TPS-Line conventional and TPS insulating glass can be manufactured on one line is the basis of the statement that there is no other system worldwide offering such a variety.
Lenhardt also presented a new pure water circulation plant for cleaning and filtering waste water from glass plate washing machines. The first of its kind, this circulating filter system enables the fully-automatic back-rinsing of filter units in an interruption-free operation thanks to permanent control of the filtration process. Other important features are the extremely low water consumption of only approx. 12 litres per filter rinse and the water quality is enhanced by filtering out the tiniest particles. Thus the pure water circulation plant makes a contribution to environment protection and energy savings.
The new frame bending robot, that can process stainless steel as well as aluminium and steel profiles in a flexible quality, was another highlight demonstrated by Lenhardt.
The manufacture of the spacer frame is produced in one manufacturing process. By filling with desiccant using the integrated filling station before bending, an efficient operation is possible as the bent spacer frame can be processed further without any other working process at the insulating glass production line.
In its standard design this frame bending robot can process rectangular shapes be up to a max. size of 2.200 x 4.000 mm and a spacer width between 6 and 24 mm. Alternatively the manufacture of shaped frames according to shape catalogue is also possible.
Summary of Vitrum 2001:
With the exhibits on show at BYSTRONIC / LENHARDT stand it proved to be a central place of action also in this yearsï show where the national and international spectators could be convinced of the efficiency and flexibility of their machinery and equipment. The quality and specialist knowledge of the visitors at the Bystronic /
Lenhardt stand was extremely high.
This allowed Bystronic / Lenhardt once again to enter into commitments with numerous customers and to make many interesting new contacts for successful business after Vitrum. The general feeling that Vitrum is gaining more and more international significance in the glass industry has again been confirmed.
Numerous top decision makers from the glass trade could see for themselves that Bystronic / Lenhardt has once again strengthened their leading position in terms of innovative production technologies for the flat glass industry.
Vitrum 2001 proved to be very successful for Bystronic / Lenhardt with much interest shown in the current systems and forthcoming product developments.

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