Date: 19 September 2007
Our specialization extended later in the field of cylinder rubber covering with the production of computerized extruders and then of AUTOCLAVES for VULCANIZATION with direct steam and hot air re-circulation, complete with automatic loading/unloading systems.
ITALMATIC AUTOCLAVES are nowadays at the top of the worldwide production for technological level, quality and economy. With the experience gained in decades of activity and experimentation in the various industrial field, our production of AUTOCLAVES soon extended to other industrial fields like, for example, stratification of laminating flat and curved glass, treatment of composite materials, production of rubber hoses for medium and high pressures, tyres retreading, curing of rubberized rollers and last but not the least, among these few examples, impregnation, etc.
Analysis and design
ITALMATIC is a company certified ISO 9001 Vision 2000 for projecting and production of autoclaves; for more than 20 years it has been studying, designing and manufacturing on its own account machines, equipments and plants mainly destined to industries of rubber, composite materials and glass. In this context a great importance is gained by the design aspect, that the company depends through its own technical dept., which is prepared and coordinated to solve problems involved with the designing of single machines and special equipments. ITALMATIC designs every single autoclave after carefully examining the needs of the buyer.
Italmatic autoclave
Download the autoclaves' catalogue
Villa Pompea 31
20060 Cassina de’ Pecchi (Milano)
Via del Blocco 61
55012 Capannori (Lucca)

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